{This post is sponsored by U.S. Bank.} I live in a home that is almost 20 years old. It still feels like a newer home to...
It’s 5:45 p.m. and I still haven’t heard from my husband. He usually calls me as soon as he leaves the office, but he...
If you're already a parent, you've already discovered that parenting is a series of lessons in fantasy versus reality. For instance... The Fantasy: As my belly...
Dear Working Mama, I'm here to tell you something. You don't have to do it all...and that's ok. Just because you're the mama doesn't mean...
If you are anything like me, you suffer from diarrhea of the mouth, especially in high-stress, high-anxiety situations. It’s like nerves make me lose...
Returning to work after maternity leave never is easy. Your little one is still so small and needs so much of your attention, but...
When we found out that we were having a baby back in 2011, we knew right away that we wanted one of us to stay...
People asked me if I’d come back after maternity leave. I laughed and explained to them that five weeks after my due date is...
A few years ago I made it a personal goal to cut my grocery and household product costs in half.  I reduced our budget...
Dear Sheryl Sandberg, My heart aches for you. The news of your husband's passing leaves me speechless. You are an icon. When I consulted on human...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Best Summer Camp for Your STEM Kid

Back in my childhood days, many decades ago, summer camps were almost exclusively athletic and competitive in nature. We non-athletic kiddos didn’t have a...