When my son Zane was a toddler, we took a short trip to the Oregon coast. While eating at an oceanfront restaurant, my husband ordered his classic favorite of fish and chips. Everyone had a bite or two, and,...
Most of us have heard of The Big One, the doomsday term given to a long-overdue earthquake expected to hit the Pacific Northwest some time in the next 50 years. Those with school-age kids are likely familiar with earthquake...
As the weather turns from gray and frigid and vaccinations are becoming more abundant, we are starting to emerge from our homes. Some of us are putting on real pants for the first time in a long while and...
No Rest for the Weary I don’t know about you, but I find being awake at four in the morning never means anything good. Even in college, when four o’clock was bedtime for some of my friends, I was usually...
Ahhh... springtime in Portland. That beautiful time of year when the sun shines a little longer, the plants begin to bloom, and, for many of us, the allergies start up. For parents with kids who have seasonal allergies, it...
We know managing the logistics of family life has been difficult this past year. Many summer camps are just now sharing the details of their 2021 offerings, and we're dedicated to providing our community with up-to-date information as it...
“I don’t think the teachers are enjoying this either”, my son says, slumped over the dining room table, resting his head and rubbing his eyes. It’s that look of midday crash, being exhausted from blue light, stiff-necked from sitting in...
I love podcasts like Oprah loves bread. Do I have a problem? Maybe. But why not leverage my obsession for your own benefit? Whether you're dipping your toe into the podcast pool for the first time or are basically the equivalent...
Camp Tonsafun is here to save your summer and make a mess of your kitchen... in the very best way possible. When our partners at Comcast reached out to tell me about Camp Tonsafun I thought it sounded cool,...
Long Term Food

Pandemic Prepper

In 2009, my husband and I put together emergency “bug out bags” which included flashlights, N95 masks and MRE’s. We created the bags, put them in the garage and more or less forgot about them. Preparing the bags seemed...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...