Ok, so June was... weird. Not always the most awesome. We may be living in a social apocalypse, but on top of that it rained all month and then blasted us with a heat wave. Seriously, July. We're counting...
If you're like me, your summer plans may still be in flux. These past few years have been a rollercoaster, and many of us were not exactly sure what to expect when it came to summertime options for our...
June! Arguably one of the best months of the year! School's out, the weather has settled into a breezy summer, and Portland comes alive. Here are some of our favorites in and around the City of Roses, all with...
Stress. Parenthood. Those two words mean the same thing, right? According to the US Census Bureau, roughly 3.5 million mothers who had school-aged children left the workforce in March through April of 2020. Regardless of working either at a...
'Tis the season... to think about the next season! While summer may still seem far-off, camp planning starts NOW. To get to know some of the amazing summer camps Portland has to offer, check out our 2022 Guide to...
Birth evokes varied emotions, opinions and expectations. Whether it's medicated or cesarean at the hospital, with a doula, at a birthing center, or at home, choosing where to birth is one piece along the journey. People often appeared surprised...
Both of my children are college dropouts. While this would have been devastating to me 10 years ago, I’ve not only made peace with it, I’ve also actively encouraged them to make the choices that feel right for them...
Boy in a playroom

Rethinking the Playroom

I often hear families express the desire for “more space” in their house, and they think that adding a playroom for their young children is the way to go. They fantasize that if their kids have a space to...
Winter is here. Shorter days mean longer nights, and one unexpected bonus to that arrangement is that it means more hours to enjoy holiday lights. Whether it's your neighbor's yard or a multi-million light display, sparkly displays and joyful...
In a typical year, I would not be even contemplating holiday gift buying until after Thanksgiving. I am just not that person. BUT, this is (again) no ordinary year. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are already...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...