There are nearly 3,500 craft breweries in the U.S., and here in Oregon, you’ll find approximately 194 in 72 cities. The Portland area alone makes up 91 of those in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties; the metro area with...
I have never been a stranger to hobbies have always loved houseplants. However, the pandemic kicked what was once a casual interest into a full-on obsession, and somewhere in the haze of the past two years, my previous count...
Seeking a new adventure this summer for your kiddo(s)? As we head in to March, it's time to get serious about choosing summer camps, and Portland Moms Blog has you covered with the 2018 Guide to Portland Summer Camps. Bringing...
Berry season is a go here in the Pacific Northwest. Arguably the most flavorful time of the year, there's something magical about the berry deliciousness that abounds in the region (or, you know, it might be the soil composition...
It’s the most flavorful time of the year! Yes, the emergence of Oregon strawberries - that most delicious (and rather short-lived) of seasons - officially marks the beginning of berry season in the Pacific Northwest. Whether you're a new...
Skiing can be financially intimidating. You need the right gear, the right clothes, the lift tickets or season passes. When you factor in multiple children, it really adds up. Skiing as a family doesn’t have to be prohibitively expensive. Sure,...
There are endless options for outdoor nature adventures in the Pacific Northwest. I have an entire Instagram collection, titled “Places to Go.” of different spots around Oregon where I would love to bring my family. However, the reality is...
I’ve been an Oregonian for seven months now. As a born-and-raised California girl, moving to Portland has been, well, an adjustment.  We are loving life in the Pacific Northwest but there are a few things I wish I had...
I started hearing about Oaks Amusement Park immediately upon moving to Portland, and it’s no wonder, because this little amusement park packs big time fun. Our first visit to Oaks was last fall for a riveting Rose City Rollers...
The beautiful Pacific Northwest is ready to welcome visiting families! Known for its lush natural beauty, fine cuisine, and unique culture, Portland (and its surrounding areas) is also PACKED with family fun. Make the most of your trip with...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...