Ahhh, the library! Where we can talk (quietly!) and our kids can learn stuff. After all, readers are leaders. I saw that on a sign...
I recently had a conversation with a neighbor that reminded me of one of my favorite things about Portland; everyone here is a little...
Believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about summer! We are excited to partner with fantastic summer camps in Portland and the...
According to the U.S. Census Bureau only about 40% of Portland’s population was born in Oregon, making it the highest transplant city on the...
I recently talked about the importance of dates with your significant other, and gave 28 date ideas around Portland. In our family we also...
I love asking questions that make people think beyond their current reality. Things like, "If you had to choose right now, what would you...
Who doesn’t love a date night? Better yet, we all NEED date nights. As parents it is SO important to get out without your...
Girls (especially moms) just want to have fun, #amiright!? And let's face it, our kids and spouses feel the same way. For our recent PMB...
One of my favorite things about living in Portland how child friendly it is! There are so many kid-friendly restaurants in Portland that it...
{This post is sponsored by iSpark Toys, and my daughter received a free toy. All opinions expressed are my own.} My 8-year-old girl is super curious...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Best Summer Camp for Your STEM Kid

Back in my childhood days, many decades ago, summer camps were almost exclusively athletic and competitive in nature. We non-athletic kiddos didn’t have a...