There are few creatures more feared and maligned than the dreaded teenager. If you listen to the media, they are hormone-fueled, technology-addicted monsters who will bring chaos down on previously peaceful homes. They play their music too loud or...
It is not uncommon for one of my kids to ask me to define a word for them. It happens daily. Their vocabulary is rapidly growing, but often words are used without understanding the definition. The other afternoon I...
We all want to raise our kids to live the best lives they can. We want them to be safe, happy, healthy. This is especially true when we talk about bodies and food. As a licensed therapist specializing in eating...
We all know that times are hard, especially now. The future is uncertain and we don’t know when (if ever) things will get back to normal. We are spending more time at home and less time doing activities that...
Sometimes it's hard letting the littlest grow up. On a rainy Saturday morning, I’m sipping hot ginger tea at our large granite kitchen island. The littlest stumbles out of his room, rubbing his eyes and looking for me. His blue pajama pants look...
Summer is winding down, and it's time to start thinking about the new school year. To make it easier on you, PMB has rounded up TEN of our favorite back-to-school posts here, to help you make it the best...
Despite the growing proportion of families opting for one child, and all the research dispelling old myths about social skills, loneliness, and over-parenting, the "only child" stigma is still strong in the family-size caste system. My daughter is an...
Since becoming a mom five years ago, I never felt like I had a "mom instinct." I feel like I got 99% of my mom "how-to" information from either a) watching other moms around me or b) reading blogs...
My husband and I just moved our oldest child to college. And there’s no other way to say how I feel about it other than it sucks.  I think it goes without saying that I’m ecstatic for her to enjoy...
My new little one likes me (she really likes me), and she is our last baby. As a result, I spend much of the day carrying her around in one arm while attempting to do all of the things...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...