April is Autism Awareness month, and hand-in-hand with Autism is Early Intervention Services. Early intervention (EI) is getting the therapy and the help for your child ASAP. The earlier the better, and I can tell you, it will be the...
Ahhh, the library! Where we can talk (quietly!) and our kids can learn stuff. After all, readers are leaders. I saw that on a sign at the library... While our family lives in Lake Oswego, we call the Tualatin Library home. Besides respite...
Pea Leek Soup is one of my favorite ways to get in veggies for the day. I love that you can pack in so many servings of healthy greens without having to face another plate of salad to get the...
I know just the title of this piece sounds like a bad idea. However, our family has taken many long road trips, and it's worth it (especially, when you look at the price of flying a large family). We...
Lying to kids isn’t a new concept. From funny lies like “the Halloween Goblin ate the rest of your candy,” to seasonal lies like “the Elf on the Shelf is watching,” to exasperated lies like “we can’t go to...
I am not a runner. I have never been a runner. In fact, using the word “run” to describe my physical action is doing a major disservice to actual runners. The truth is I shuffled a marathon. In school I...
As mothers of school-age children, we all experience morning chaos, but do we get a chance to connect with our kids before they go to school? I have learned that getting six kids out the door by 7:30 a.m. almost always...
I remember the magic of Disneyland from my childhood: shyly hugging my favorite characters, spinning on teacups in Wonderland, and getting “It’s a Small World” stuck in my head. So when my husband Steve found out that he had an upcoming...
I wish I had known certain things before giving birth to my daughter about what the first postpartum weeks and months would look like. As they happened, I wondered why no one told me about them. I have friends...
I recently had a conversation with a neighbor that reminded me of one of my favorite things about Portland; everyone here is a little weird. No really, EVERYONE. Here's what happened: Binx is our sweet little orange tabby. He's a favorite around...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...