It's cold. It's dark. It's the holidaze. So grab a cozy sweater and a warm cup of and snuggle up to check out some solid ideas for family fun this November.November 11-13 Oregon Convention CenterKumoricon is the largest anime...
The Oregon Ravens are a professional women's football team who are defying gender barriers in the sport. Last month, we featured a few of the players to learn what inspired them to start their football journey. This week, were...
Let's be real: I'm a plantaholic. My bestie recently gifted me a t-shirt that says, "I have enough plants…said no one ever," and it’s perfectly me. I love the warmth plants bring into a space, the calm they bring...
Halloween has a tendency to create some conflicted feelings in us as parents. Our child self so deeply remembers the joy of having the opportunity to gather vast amounts of candy, swapping and enjoying to our hearts content.  Our adult self...
“She flies with her own wings” is the Oregon state motto, and nobody embraces those words better than the Oregon Ravens. As the state’s only professional women’s football team, the Ravens are changing the game at warp speed. The...
It’s that time of year again! Kids have gone back to school, and we have “liked” their cute pictures on social media. As a homeschooling mom, I’ve happily “loved” their pictures and congratulated them on their first days while...
The kids are back in school and summer weather is no more. But there’s no need to fret. Soon enough apple cider, hayrides, bonfires, and the copious use of cinnamon will signal the glorious arrival of fall. As the air...
Summer is usually carried right into September here in the NW, though the hints of fall are unmistakeable. Crisp mornings, earlier evenings, and waving the children off to school are all signs that point us to the inevitable transition. As much...
This time last year my kids and I set off to explore the Hood River Fruit Loop, a  scenic 35 mile loop around the Hood River Valley about one hour east of Portland in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. I'd...
What's the first thing most people think of when they envision the Pacific Northwest? The glorious beauty of Mother Nature is probably pretty high on the list. And what's one of the best parts of living in a state...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...