I turned off the bedside light and was quiet for a moment, then said, "I think we're done nursing."  My husband, who falls asleep practically the moment his head hits the pillow, replied, "Well, you guys had a good...

Embracing the Yes Life

Last night my daughter woke up from a nightmare saying “no, no, no.” As I held her little body in my arms, her head resting on my chest, she sank back into a deep sleep. I listened to her...
Looking to start talking to your little ones about important — albeit tough — topics about their bodies (and bodies in general)? Many of us, myself included, feel a sense of stress and pressure when it comes to talking to...
When I look back at the first year of my daughter’s life, I see only one big dark blur of chaos, baby puke, diaper blowouts, endless sleepless nights, teething (prime reason for the endless sleepless nights), tears (both my...
We all know that times are hard, especially now. The future is uncertain and we don’t know when (if ever) things will get back to normal. We are spending more time at home and less time doing activities that...
  Potty training mamas... Can you relate?    1. You're late to an appointment or to pick up your older kids since your potty-trainer got on and off the toilet 10 times because she couldn't figure out if she had to poop or...
It took exchanging more text messages than usual to find a window of time to connect for our monthly phone chat. Juggling schedules and kids is always a bit of a dance, but the back and forth of this...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...