We are knee deep in the season of gratitude, a time of year where we are nudged to reflect on all there is in our life for which to be thankful. And, what a wonderful nudge because we know the...
Winter is the time for cozy slippers, hot cocoa, and binge-watching your favorite kid-appropriate series with your family. This is a pastime that we enjoy only as the chilly weather sets in, because there is something so lovely about...
November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and Kendra is sharing her experience with diabetes - generationally and personally. Learn more about diabetes by visiting diabetes.org. I grew up with diabetes. That’s not to say that I had diabetes as a young...
Has anyone else found themselves rethinking holiday celebrations since having a kid? Do we want to celebrate "X"? What does this holiday mean to us? How will we explain this to our kids? And am I okay with why this...
Several years ago, a video featuring an intergenerational preschool popped into my feed. The program was based out of Australia and was dubbed The Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds. I was smitten. The kids helped the seniors,...
My five-year-old’s face lit with excitement as we pulled into our driveway on the first rainy day of the season. The yellow leaves had started falling, and it finally felt like fall after a long, hot summer. As only...
It’s that time of year again when all the Positive Patsy's come out to shine their light and joy on us all. We should be so grateful *insert eye roll.*  If you’re sick of hearing about gratitude lists and positive...
Some of my favorite childhood memories involve my mom and her superpower of helping others. I remember her taking me to hand out cookies at a local shelter when I was 7, buying gifts for a classmate and doing...
It's cold. It's dark. It's the holidaze. So grab a cozy sweater and a warm cup of and snuggle up to check out some solid ideas for family fun this November.November 11-13 Oregon Convention CenterKumoricon is the largest anime...
The gifting holidays are nearly upon us, so it’s the season for me to beg everyone to give their children experiences rather than possessions. Or at least to buy things that aren’t going to turn into clutter and end up...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...