Here in Portland, we're in the thick of the wet and gray. Winter Solstice promises that the days are getting longer, but those longer days will still be wearing clouds as a blanket for months to come. Even so,...
red and white joy

Finding Joy in the Struggle

A well-loved red and white pillow rests on my couch, gifted to me years ago for Christmas. "JOY" is sewn on the front, and as I reposition the pillow to my liking, my mind contemplates on the complexity of...
We are coming upon the time where, for just a moment, the sun is thought to “stand still”. Sol (the sun) - Sistere - (stand still). Much like the top or bottom of a breath, the solstice refers to the suns...
After our daughter Everly was born, we were obsessed with the Wonder Weeks app. It was awesome. It helped us track when she may be in a developmental milestone, what she was learning and how that might show up in her...
I’ve always struggled to keep my home clean. I blame my mom for that. She used to tell me "If you can’t do a job right, then don’t do it." She meant well, obviously it was encouragement to do...
‘Tis the season for celebration, gathering, and the potential for endless to-do lists and chronic stress! Once the music starts playing in the stores and the toy catalogs are delivered in the mail, my anxiety tends to ramp up....
‘Tis the season of giving, or so every single possible advertising arena tells us right now. Unfortunately, as every parent knows, advertisers carefully craft and manipulate this season of giving to build a sense of urgency and obligation. And...
We're closing out the year with a flurry of family-friendly fun in and around our fair city. Have a favorite wintertime adventure you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments!November 30 - December 30 Benson HotelHead to the...
Our house is not huge or fancy, but it is ours to call home. Inside, my family has food, water, heat, beds to sleep in, and safety. Our three kids are more than adequately fed, clothed, and entertained every...
Loyalty to Santa Claus can be pretty serious business. I grew up just outside of Philadelphia, not far from the birthplace of the American “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus,” commercialized version of the beloved figure. In my...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...