My intention was always to have at least two kids. My husband is an only child and felt quite strongly about having a sibling for our then almost three year old. It was while we were trying to get...
The 11 mamas who make up our contributor team have some problems, and we think other Portland moms might relate. We're sharing a few of these #pdxmomprobs below with a handful of local mommy memes! Let us know what...
{This is a sponsored post. A mini photography session and digital prints were provided in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.} Is it time for you and your family to get some professional photos? If you're...
“I’m going to the gym,” he said. I wanted to kill him. “Okay, see you later,” I said unenthusiastically. This routine continued for days. My husband would go to the gym while I took care of both kids. We had just brought...
We all know that every child is unique and special.  It does no one any good to compare any of your children to their siblings or any other child, or to compare your parenting experience to mine.  Parenting in...
For many of us, hearing the phrase “kids wearing makeup” immediately conjures up images of Honey Boo Boo and Toddlers in Tiaras—little girls forced to grow up too fast. As soon as I found out I was having a...
Welcome to #PMBEspresso! Here you'll discover various artists, writers, events, science, music, food (of course!) and more from all around our amazing city!  This roundup of local flavors is brought to you by our contributors, sponsors, and other local...
Last month we spent a long weekend in Manzanita--a great little town to take your family for a weekend away! And since it’s only about 90 minutes from Portland, it’s a pretty easy drive to make with your little...
The Portland Moms Blog team is growing, and we are currently looking for fresh, local voices who are passionate about our city and interested in sharing their stories! This is a volunteer position, but there are some really fun perks...
In the last year I transitioned from working full-time out of the house to being a work from home mom. Previously, the weekends were the only time I wore casual clothes. Now that I am mostly working from home and have...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...