If I’m being completely honest with you, there are a lot of days in this “parenting three kids” gig where I find myself staring into space and thinking that I would really like to run away.  WAIT.  Did I...
There are nearly 3,500 craft breweries in the U.S., and here in Oregon, you’ll find approximately 194 in 72 cities. The Portland area alone makes up 91 of those in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties; the metro area with...
{This post is sponsored by Full Belly Fare, a local mom-owned business we think you--our readers--would love to get to know!} Every busy mom knows the frustration of trying to cook healthy meals everyone in the family will eat. Not to...
Let's face it; toddlers are hard to keep entertained pretty much all year round, so though these five really easy and sensory-building activities are focused on summer, I've also included adjustments for all seasons! 1) Sensory Tub This is one of...
One of my favorite things to do during the summer is to can and preserve all of the amazing fruits and veggies that we grow in our garden and pick up at our local farmer’s markets. Canning and preserving...
I'm hearing the phrase "I'm bored" more and more as the summer goes on. Not that I feel obliged to provide a constant stream of entertainment for my kids, but sometimes I have to break out of the rut...
When I look back at the first year of my daughter’s life, I see only one big dark blur of chaos, baby puke, diaper blowouts, endless sleepless nights, teething (prime reason for the endless sleepless nights), tears (both my...
It’s 5:45 p.m. and I still haven’t heard from my husband. He usually calls me as soon as he leaves the office, but he hasn’t yet today. My mind races. Could something have happened at work? Did he get...
{WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. All names and locations, as well as minor geographical and job details have been changed to protect all parties involved - even the incarcerated, as required by law.} No one thinks it could happen to you, to...
The media has been abuzz the last couple of weeks with the threat of the “really big one”--a large earthquake predicted to hit here in the Pacific Northwest. I am not among the “doomsday” planners; however, the headlines did lead...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...