Creating a Year of Dates

My husband and I started dating when we were 19. We met the summer between our freshman and sophomore year in college. After 11 years of being “just us," we became a family of three. Unlike some couples, we...
Inevitably in the mommy life, you’ll be cruising along, feeling like you finally, MAYBE, just might be getting the hang of this gig, and some situation will come along and completely rain on your parade.  The pediatric dentist does...
My mother recently visited from Virginia, so I had the opportunity to view Portland through the eyes of a tourist once more.  Granted, I’ve only been in Portland for about nine months myself, so I’m hardly a local. But...
{This post is sponsored by Amwell; however, we would not promote or work with a business we did not believe to be reputable or relevant to our readers. All opinions are my own.} I think it has been six weeks…six...
As much as I hate to admit it, my family and I are creatures of habit. Like all true Oregonians, we love a good adventure once in awhile. Unfortunately, when you have only the weekend to try and squeeze...
{This post is sponsored by The Shiny Hiney. All opinions are my own.} The Shiny Hiney Cloth Diapers is a family owned, local business that is extremely passionate about both the environment and providing a great, healthy alternative to disposable...
From the very beginning, my daughter loved being outdoors.  The joy on her face when she’s outside playing with nothing more than rocks and leaves and sticks is one of my favorite things to see.  Children are born investigators,...
They say hindsight is 20/20. They are right. In the last two years, many of my friends who were going through their first pregnancy asked me what I wish I'd done differently. Now, I’m not a person who lives...
Hey, mamas! Our Mom's Night Out and Launch Party at Fancy That is coming up soon. Get your tickets here or through our Facebook event page. Here are the event ABCs you should know: {A} ALL attendees will get LOTS of...
I don't know about you, but it seems as though our garbage can gets fuller faster now that I'm a mom of three kids. Just this evening my husband came home from work, looked in the kitchen garbage, and...

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I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...