Can you imagine your child getting as excited about reading as a Ducks or Beavers fan gets about the Civil War football game? Believe it or not, students all over Oregon are motivated to this level of excitement through the annual...
Girls (especially moms) just want to have fun, #amiright!? And let's face it, our kids and spouses feel the same way. For our recent PMB contributors holiday get-together, we were in search of a fun and unique spot for a...
My kids suck at unstructured, inside play. They do this brand of play that is exactly what siblings have been doing since the dawn of time. It's called pick pick pick, poke poke poke, tickle, scream, repeat. I think...
I sit in the rocking chair in the dark bedroom. The aluminum foil on the window, trashy as it may be, does its job of keeping out the midday light. I've been humming "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on repeat...
If you're a business owner of any kind (or hope to become one), there are probably other business-savvy women and men who inspire you, coach you, and motivate you to achieve your goals. Learning from other successful business owners...
Hidden in each of our children are sparks of greatness. Even from a young age I began to see in each of my kids desires, passions, gifts, and abilities. Some sparks are more innate than others, some may be...
Today is a hard day. I've gotten very little sleep. My wrists hurt from typing all day long. Nerves in my hips are causing me pain, making it hard to sit. My knee aches, which is why I didn't...
Now that we are getting through  holidays and settling into the throws of winter, it's a great time to try on  some new recipes. If your household is like mine, the past several weeks have brought in a stream of...
Let’s just put it out there right now…This year I am NOT going to lose weight, work out more, eat less sugar, spend fewer hours on social media, or do the million other things people “resolve” to do on...
My kids are getting ready to compose their glittery goals commonly known as New Year's resolutions. I think it's commendable they want to learn their multiplication facts, ambitious to want to play the viola with proficiency, and fantastic that...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...