Monthly Archives: April 2016

Tending Crops and Hearts: A Family Gardening Guide

Gardening has become my favorite stay-at-home mom escape. The smell of the soil, the warm sun beating down, and the joy of watching edible...

Common Core Math, Uncommon Thinking

While Common Core math has helped my eight-year-old in school, it has exceeded my 40-year-old addition skills. I was in the car with the kids one...

9 Insider Tips for Consignment Sale Shopping from Just Between Friends

Does it ever surprise you that your kids just keep on growing--and subsequently outgrowing all those clothes you JUST bought? Or how babies today seem...

Parenting in a World Obsessed with BFFs

How do we teach our daughters about true friendship when everywhere they turn, they are bombarded with messages of how important it is to...

Get Outside! 6 Tips for Making Hiking with Kids Fun

My family loves hiking. We love the outdoors. Despite this, our children are, how shall I put it? Reluctant hikers. And by that I...

Magic, Make-Believe, and Glitter

It was just about a year ago that my son AB lost his first tooth. It was my husband's idea to leave an animal tooth...

Secondary Infertility and What to Say When You’re Trying to Conceive

The Internet is full of "expert" advice about how to sensitively talk, or not talk to your friends and loved ones about reproductive health, family size,...

Teaching Kids the Value of Hard Work

Hard Work
I was close to my son's age when I learned my first big lesson about hard work. We lived on a small farm with...

Early Intervention and Our Journey with Autism

Early Intervention Journey with Autism
April is Autism Awareness month, and hand-in-hand with Autism is Early Intervention Services. Early intervention (EI) is getting the therapy and the help for your...

Library Love: 5 Reasons to Visit

local libraries
Ahhh, the library! Where we can talk (quietly!) and our kids can learn stuff. After all, readers are leaders. I saw that on a sign...