Oregon certainly is green, but that doesn't mean money trees grow in our backyards. Fortunately, with all of the opportunities for fun that summer offers, there are plenty that don't cost a thing. So save a buck (or twenty)...
Dear pregnant me in 2005, First, I need you to walk to your closet and find the pink striped maternity shirt. Take it out of the closet, walk straight to the garbage can, and just toss it in. It’s not...
It was a gray, rainy Saturday afternoon; the baby was napping, and my two girls refused to be entertained by Disney princesses or the good clean fun of coloring books. No, they had an appetite for some sort of...
Ten years ago I moved from my cute, hip Sellwood rental to my husband’s home in Forest Grove. I hated the whole process. After it was over, I swore I never wanted to move again. And that was just...
It’s that time of year--the season when parents all over the Portland area are eagerly visiting preschools, adding their names to waiting lists and hoping beyond hope that their child gets into the best nursery school this coming fall....
Father's Day is Sunday. Exactly four days from today. Yup. I forgot too. Okay, so I didn't truly "forget," but with life being crazy from one moment to the next, I would remember in spurts during the day, then have...
When we found out that we were having a baby back in 2011, we knew right away that we wanted one of us to stay at home to raise our son. It was clear quickly that I was going to...
My son is turning one at the end of the month and I am full of many emotions.  I can hardly believe that a year ago we welcomed our sweet little baby boy into our lives.  I'm sad to...
Portland Moms Blog and our sponsor, Portland Children's Dentistry, are excited to bring you a summer playdate at the Portland Aquarium. Moms (and dads!) are invited to bring your kids of all ages to experience hundreds of species and...
Summer's here, moms. It's going to be hot, and the kids are going to be home all day long. I do not want to be slaving over a hot stove (in a house that has no AC) after a...

Recommended Reading

I’m So Over this ’18 Summers’ Mom Guilt Trip Trend

Momming is so freaking hard. And exhausting. And overwhelming. And, oh yeah, rewarding. But being a mom in the age of social media is...