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5 Benefits of Bilingualism

5 Benefits of Bilingualism

Have you pondered teaching your child a new language, but you just aren’t sure how to get started or if it’s worth the investment?...
5 Spray Alternatives for Sun and Bug Protection

5 Spray-Free Ways to Protect Your Sunshine from the Sun and Bugs

Summer is here, and you want to take the baby out for a stroll, to a flower festival, or a splash pad, but is...

A Partner’s Role in Postpartum Recovery

During pregnancy, everything shouted “Postpartum Depression.” If I picked up a flier or attended a group for new mothers, Postpartum Depression was discussed. It...

A Mom’s Guide to Finding a Counselor

Have you made the decision to get therapy, but not really sure where to start? With so many options out there, how do you...
financial responsibility

How to Teach Your Children Financial Responsibility

It’s hard to know where to start when teaching children financial responsibility. Luckily, teaching positive messages about money doesn’t take much. You can teach your...
SAHM of twins

4 Truths of Being a SAHM of Twins

Everyone has their assumptions about stay-at-home-moms. They spend all of their time inside of Target, get to stroll through parks whenever they want, and...
new baby

10 Tips for Starting a New Job with a New Baby (in a New...

I was offered a job in Portland about a month before my my first child was due. After the excitement wore off, the apprehension...
sense of purpose

Finding a Sense of Purpose and Recognition Beyond Family Life

Remember the old work-life balance ideal? That place of stability and equilibrium so many of us once aspired to? We were building a sense...

The Pinterest Mom’s Guide to Simple Home Organization

If you are like me, you are on Pinterest constantly checking ideas on how to make your home beautiful. Personally, I love the farmhouse/vintage...
role models stay-at-home dad

A Day in the Life of a Working Mom and Stay at Home Dad

My job brought us to Portland in 2016. Our initial plan was for my husband to find a job and us put our four-month-old...