Mother’s Day 2020 is not going to play out how we imagined earlier this year. There’s probably no meal out or relaxing day at the spa to celebrate just how awesome we are as moms.
And, let’s get real. We do A LOT for our families, especially right now. We are trying to juggle all. the. things. while holding on to a semblance of ourselves and our sanity. See? Not an easy task.
It stands to reason that you, mom, deserve a better than average Mother’s Day 2020. Maybe it will happen by some stroke of Fairy God Mother’s Day magic. Your family will lovingly cater to your needs and give you the break you deserve all while making sure that any needed Zoom calls with family are planned, and then they will take out the trash to boot.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty unlikely on my end. So, what are we to do? My plan is to make sure I get SOME time during the day to myself and I’ll likely reminisce about those frustrating, funny, stubborn, perfect little people that made me a mom.

There’s something magical about that moment you meet your child. That connection. A deeper meaning to existence. Whether it’s through birth or adoption, foster care or surrogacy, there are many ways to make a mom, but meeting your child for the first time? Now that is otherworldly.
In honor of Mother’s Day 2020, here are seven powerful moments of mamas meeting their children. Caution: these images are guaranteed to give you a serious case of the feels and side effects may include Baby Fever. You have been warned.
The First Kiss

“Dad couldn’t be at the hospital because they have an older child that couldn’t be left home alone. So Mom asked if I would be her support person and photographer. She couldn’t have any other visitors due to COVID so it was pretty special to have been chosen to be with her.”
Hi Moms

Double the Mother’s Day joy! These local moms have a special little one. You see, this baby is the non-gestational parent’s biological babe – carried by her partner. One mom provided the genetic material and one mom provided the womb to make one very loved new little human.
It Was All Worth It

Sonja is a good friend of mine. Her second pregnancy was no walk in the park.
“It was a loaded emotions pregnancy. IUD fail, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, biweekly NST with a toddler in tow. It was a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. I would also 1000% do it again to get her though.”
Getting to See You First

Susan is another close friend. With the birth of her second child, she knew she would need a Cesarean. Dad snapped this powerful moment when their daughter was born.
“I didn’t experience this moment with my first baby since his delivery was an emergency c-section. For my second child, the anesthesiologist convinced me I would regret missing the moment, and had the doctors drop the drape when they pulled her out. I am grateful he convinced me to watch because it was a gift to see my daughter come in to this world.”
It’s a Boy!

“For the birth of their third and last baby, they wanted to wait to find out. When Dad announced that their baby was a boy, this mom was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.”
After the Storm

“A day dedicated to moms is an extra kind of special after you have been told by the medical community that children would be impossible. This strong mama survived breast cancer and surprisingly found herself pregnant with her miracle baby. She ferociously roared through birth with passion and I am proud to say I watched her become a mom.”
Worth the Wait

“Mom said, “We’ve prayed for you for so long.” I don’t usually get emotional at births but this one hit me right in the mama feels. 6 years of love and waiting for this perfect little girl.”
Right now, things are hard, Mothers Day 2020 included. But you, dear mama, you are strong and have done hard things before. You are shaping those children that depend on you. And while it may seem cliche, your kids are so very lucky to have you as their mom.
With love and solidarity, Happy Mother’s Day to every one of you!

A Special Thank You to the moms and photographers that shared their photos with us. To get in touch with any of the photographers mentioned, please find their information below:
- Portland Birth Photographer: Natalie Broders
Facebook, Instagram - Molly Yi Photography
Facebook, Instagram - Jen Berryman
Facebook, Instagram - Meg Ross Photography
Facebook, Instagram - Jessie Photo Doula
Facebook, Instagram
Oh my gosh, this was so special. Really made me stop and remember my own births and what a special time in our lives that day is. Happy Post-Mother’s day to you and all these beautiful mamas!
Powerful images of such a special moment! Thank you for sharing these.
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