10 Tips to Meal Prep Like a Boss
When I started meal prepping my goal was less about wanting to lose weight and more about wanting to feel better. I also wanted...
Halloween at Home
When my husband was growing up, his mom always made pumpkin cookies for Halloween. He vividly remembers the bright orange frosting on the cut-out...
10 Back-to-School Meal Prep Tips
I consider myself a meal prep advocate that has been practicing what I teach since 2018. When my kids transitioned to distance learning in...
A Tinge of Fairy Dust
I have worked almost exclusively from home since 2014. People’s response in the past whenever I mentioned I worked from home was often “that’s...
Pandemic Prepper
In 2009, my husband and I put together emergency “bug out bags” which included flashlights, N95 masks and MRE’s. We created the bags, put...
(Pandemic) Comfort Cooking
In the last several weeks, I’ve had some virtual happy hours with different groups of women. We can all collectively agree that life has...
Healthy Food Guard Rails
My husband was driving home from work one day and made a quick stop at the store to pick up a few items. He...
Finding Power in a Group of Women I Never Knew I Needed
When I was a new mom, I was knee-deep in post-partum depression, I was exclusively pumping and managing a severe rheumatoid arthritis flare. I...
Becoming a Goal Getter
I confidently stared into the mirror and the woman looking back was different. After 18 months, I had lost 100 pounds, but my eye...
Keeping Your Health in Check During the Holidays
Maybe it was a small piece of leftover candy from Halloween or the last slice of pumpkin pie, but something told me I needed...