5 Ways to Teach Perspective and Gratitude
I'd love to say that I'm the parent that teaches my kids gratitude all year long. I mean, we talk about it a bit. They...
No One MAKES Us Feel Bad
“Mom, Max made me feel bad!”
Nope. No he didn’t. In fact it’s impossible. No one can make you feel bad.
This is a concept that...
The Badge of Busy
Fall is here! With kids back in school we think we will have so much time, but in reality our world become much more...
To Play or Perform?
Do you ever struggle with an internal battle between the pressure to take time to play and not 'wasting' time so you can perform?
Teaching Kids How to Fail
My oldest turned twelve in February. As you can imagine, we are getting into the stage of childhood that rivals any Marvel movie battle....
Sanity Saver: Decide Ahead of Time
I don’t think there is a mom out there who feels there is ever enough time in a day to get all (or sometimes...
The Busy Mom’s Guide to Doing Nothing
I hear it all the time from my busy mom friends and clients, “I wish I could...Just do nothing...Take a break...Rest...Push off all my...
Making It Through the Family… I Mean, the Holidays
Welcome to the, holidays! Does this holiday scenario sound familiar to you? You go home to open arms. No criticism. Everyone agrees. There’s...
Surviving the Season with Self-Care
Halloween is over and we are officially into the holiday season! This means your life is more chaotic than usual, your caffeine consumption (mostly of...
Boy Mom Talk: Raising Respectful Men
My boys are my greatest achievements and my deepest work. Parenting is a challenge, no matter the gender, and I have been thoroughly exhausted on...