Lee Ann
5 Pandemic Body Care Experiments :: Take Advantage of Quarantine to Get Kinda Funky
I’ve never been one for beauty regimens or fancy clothes, so the leap to 24/7 athleisurewear and mom-buns caused by the quarantine orders has...
PDX Happenings :: March Family-Friendly Events
Ahhh, March. The month of transitions. The rainy days are not yet over but spring is juuuuuust around the corner. To pass the time,...
A Day at the Theater: Nothing But Love for “Dragons Love Tacos” {Review}
My six-year-old son Kyle is a huge fan of the children’s book “Dragons Love Tacos.” When I learned that Oregon Children’s Theatre had brought...
Your Monthly Adventure: Zero Waste Periods
In our house, we’ve been making more sustainable choices, from cutting down on plastic to reducing food waste. Our choices are often both ecological...
Holiday Magic: Go Beyond the Photo Shoot with The Santa Experience
Have you ever heard of a boutique, storybook Santa photography session? I hadn’t, either, until I was contacted by Miriam Haugen at The Santa...
Back-to-School Home WiFi: How Internet Essentials Bridges the Digital Divide
“Mom,” yelled my second-grader from upstairs, a little panicked, “I can’t get the image to print!”
We were one week away from his project's due...
“Riverdale” Comes to Troutdale: A Red Carpet Meet & Greet at the Columbia Gorge...
Our family doesn’t own a TV, but we have plenty of streaming options. As a result, we rely on word-of-mouth to know what new...
You Might Be a Portland Dad If…
Portland is its own kind of quirky, and parents in PDX might operate somewhat differently than in the rest of the country. This year,...
The One Where I Learned to Love Shopping in My Living Room…And You Can...
In an online mom group, a member recently asked, “What is the number one thing that you struggle with when it comes to your...
Portland, Meet Pigeon: The First Family Fitness Tracker with Built-In Kid Safety
A few years ago, I was sitting at a local play place (rhymes with ShplayPlate PleeDeeEx) and watched from a distance as a little...