Portland Mom Collective

Portland Mom Collective
Portland Mom Collective is a group of writers raising kids in the Portland area, sharing their stories and experiences with our community.
nursing bras

Dump the Frump; Your Boobs Deserve Better

Remember the pre-kid days? When you could leisurely stroll through trendy shops (the ones with the adorable, tiny knick-knacks that are only placed at...
Mom & Baby Guide 2019-2020

The 2019-2020 PMB Mom & Baby Guide Is Here!

We are so excited to announce our newest arrival: the 2019-2020 Mom & Baby Guide! Having a baby is a huge life change, and...

July Guide to Family-Friendly Events in Portland

With school ending in the middle of June this year, it feels like July is the real start of summer in Portland. Here’s a...
Bloom 2019

Bloom 2019 Recap

On the Saturday before Mother's Day, nearly 50 new and expecting mamas gathered at Ready Set GROW in Northeast Portland to attend Bloom: A...
VIDA Coworking

Work-Life Integration: How Moms Can Build the Life They Want at VIDA

Being a mom is tough work. Worthy and rewarding work, to be sure, but wow, do our kids make it challenging at times! And...

Another Katie: Please Welcome Our Newest Writer

We all need another Katie in our lives, and Portland Moms Blog is thrilled to add our third one to our contributor team! Katie...
Indoor play places Portland toddlers

8 Indoor Activities for Toddlers in Portland

There are so many incredible things to do in our amazing city, but unfortunately, many of the local attractions are hard to do with...
2019 Summer Camp 600x400

PMB’s 2019 Guide to Portland Summer Camps Is Here!

Summer planning season is upon us! Adventure awaits Portland families for 2019 and we're delighted to share with you amazing summer camps offered in...

Meet Our New Contributor: Jessica

Jessica is a pediatric occupational therapist and owner of The Wiggle Room, an indoor play space for all abilities in the Hollywood neighborhood. She...
Kat Headshot

New Contributor: Have You Met Kat?

2019 is starting off great with lots of new voices on PMB! Kat has guest posted on the blog in the past couple months...