Lauren Allen Photography: Hiring A Family Photographer You Trust
I want to talk about trust and the importance of documenting your story. How are you documenting your unique story? And yes, your story...
Diet and Dentistry: How Kids’ Eating Habits Can Affect Their Teeth
February is Children’s Dental Health Month. It is also National Snack Food Month. This isn’t going well. I have a confession to make. No,...
Winter Car Seat Safety
As the weather changes it is very tempting to have our children wear their jackets in the car seat. We want our children to...
Christmas Toy Tips from the Oregon Poison Center
The winter holidays are my favorite time of the year, but as a poison center educator I can't help but think of all gifted...
A Working Mom in a Pinterest World
The school year is in full swing and now that the hoopla around class assignments, bus routes, and incredibly specific school supply lists is...
WHA Midwifery Birth Center: A Midwife Shares Her Own Birth Story
I’m a midwife and mummy of three. I’ve delivered hundreds of babies in different countries and cultures around the world, from Africa to Australia....
Mothering, Unmoored
One of the last things my mother said to me before she died is that I was a good mom. I hold on to...
How My VBAC Healed Me
On August 2nd, 2016 I achieved the unimaginable. I had such a low probability of success that my decision to attempt a vaginal birth...
Breastfeeding and the Battle of the Bulge: Why You Might Not be Shedding Those...
I gave birth to my second child not too long ago. I promised myself that I would enjoy the time with my baby and...
Stories From the Oregon Poison Control Center
“Are there any stories that shock you, anymore?” I’ve asked the poison control nurses and pharmacists. As a public educator for the Oregon Poison...