
Aside from being a writer, Kendra is a Birth Trauma Doula at KarysMa Birth, where she helps moms find their joy after birth trauma. A former middle school English and theatre teacher, she has an insatiable love for learning and a flair for the dramatic. Among the best moments of her life, she counts marrying her husband Steve during a dream rainbow wedding, planning a princess picnic on the beach with her eight year old daughter Karys, giving birth to her one year old daughter Saryn in the middle of a blizzard, and sitting on stage with Glennon Doyle. A Navy brat for the first 13 years of her life, Kendra settled in Virginia for eighteen years before she was finally ready to move again, relocating to Portland in 2014. You can find her work on Portland Moms Blog, The La Leche League Blog, and The Not Your Average Mom Project, as well as the hard drive of her computer.

I Missed My Baby’s Birth: Learning to Accept My Emergency C-Section

I don’t celebrate my birth story the way I’m supposed to.  In fact, I don’t even remember it. I grew up knowing the power...

But Mommy Doesn’t Want to Play!

I have a confession: I don’t really like to play with my daughter, Karys. Just saying that makes me feel like a bad mom....

The Most Romantic Words My Husband Ever Said

It’s not “I love you,” "I do," or “You’re the most wonderful woman in the world,” although it’s definitely nice to hear that.  The...
spring cleaning

I’m Not Waiting for Spring Cleaning

Spring seems like a natural time to clean.  The sun comes out of hiding, the trees are green again, and the flowers start pushing...

5 Things NOT To Do When You’re SAD

The holidays have gone, and they took with them the twinkly lights, cheerful dispositions, and happy hearts that they once inspired. Since our return...

Why We Haven’t Yet Sent Santa on His Merry Way

 I remember having a discussion with my husband before the first Christmas that our daughter was old enough to grasp the concept of Santa. ...

Kendra’s Veggie Harvest Lasagna

I created this recipe when I was trying to come up with a vegetarian entree for a recent Thanksgiving potluck. It’s a twist on...
fall thankful

Thirty Days Thankful

Sometimes the holidays can feel like an onslaught of activities, obligations, and stress.  There’s too much to do and too little time in which...

My Husband Says ‘I Love You’ with Every Bite

My husband is a wonderful man: kind, compassionate, giving, and a devoted husband and father.  That being said, he doesn’t always “get” the idea...

Today, It Was Roseburg

At 11 a.m. this morning I was driving around doing errands when I heard a news report that brought tears to my eyes.  “A...