
Aside from being a writer, Kendra is a Birth Trauma Doula at KarysMa Birth, where she helps moms find their joy after birth trauma. A former middle school English and theatre teacher, she has an insatiable love for learning and a flair for the dramatic. Among the best moments of her life, she counts marrying her husband Steve during a dream rainbow wedding, planning a princess picnic on the beach with her eight year old daughter Karys, giving birth to her one year old daughter Saryn in the middle of a blizzard, and sitting on stage with Glennon Doyle. A Navy brat for the first 13 years of her life, Kendra settled in Virginia for eighteen years before she was finally ready to move again, relocating to Portland in 2014. You can find her work on Portland Moms Blog, The La Leche League Blog, and The Not Your Average Mom Project, as well as the hard drive of her computer.

Do What Works Parenting: Discipline

This is part of our Do What Works (DWW) Parenting Series. To read the rest of the posts in the series, click here. Parenting is fraught with...
feeding your family

Do What Works Parenting: Feeding Your Family

This is part of our Do What Works (DWW) Parenting Series. To read the rest of the posts in the series, click here. There are few...
do what works childbirth

Do What Works Parenting: Pregnancy and Birth

Parenting is flooded with acronyms; CIO, RIE, BLW, EBF, and on and on. I’ve been a mom for almost ten years now, and the...
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning, Portland Style

The last couple of weeks have given Portlanders hope that spring will in fact return, and the days of unpredictable gray skies, ice storms,...
pta mom

Why I’m a Proud PTA Parent

There are few titles more maligned in mom circles than the “PTA mom.” Like “soccer mom,” the name is often said with a sneer....

Motherhood Milestones No One Mentions

From the moment most of us find out our children are coming, we start tracking milestones. From how our fetus’s size compares to a...
tv moms

What TV Gets Wrong About Motherhood

The long rains and short days have set in, and I’ve settled in for winter hibernation. Well, I guess it’s not exactly hibernation, but...

Particularly Portland: 10 Places for Rainy Day Play

In the heat of summer there's plenty of particularly Portland playgrounds to hit up, and it can be easy to forget we live in...
September Guide

September Guide to Family-Friendly Fun in Portland

Summer’s almost over, and school is back in full swing this week and next all over Portland. But there’s still lots of family-friendly fun...
Play Fair

Toys for Kids AND Moms: Play Fair PDX Review

If you’ve ever watched a group of kids gathered around a pile of birthday gifts, you know exactly how my kids’ faces looked when...