The Sweet Life: A Diabetes Awareness Month Post
November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and Kendra is sharing her experience with diabetes - generationally and personally. Learn more about diabetes by visiting
Aaack! It’s the Attack of the Terrible Teenager: How I Plan to Deal With...
There are few creatures more feared and maligned than the dreaded teenager. If you listen to the media, they are hormone-fueled, technology-addicted monsters who...
To My Second Baby on the First Day of Kindergarten
Dear Second Baby (SB),
This morning, Dad and I watched you board the school bus for the first time headed to your first day of...
Fall Wreaths You Can Make With the Kids
Nothing says home like a seasonal wreath hung from the front door. Even when I don’t do any other decorating, I make sure we...
Particularly Portland Playgrounds: 10 of the Best Places to Play
Your family probably has a favorite neighborhood park within walking distance of your home, but Portland also has hundreds of unique places to play....
10 Things I Love About Portland Summers
Summer is a great time of year in many places, but Portland summers are extra special. Here’s a list of ten things I love...
The Right Relief for Better Sleep
No Rest for the Weary
I don’t know about you, but I find being awake at four in the morning never means anything good. Even...
VIDA Coworking: A Magical Place for Moms/Entrepreneurs
There’s a magical new place in Northeast Portland. It’s a place where entrepreneurs can gather for productivity, socializing, and learning with (get this) on-site...
Get Your Family Connected with Comcast Xfinity Mobile
Did you know Comcast has Xfinity stores and Xfinity Mobile services? I didn’t until PMB was invited to the Xfinity store in Tualatin this...
Reverse the Summer Slide: Turn Your Kids from Consumers to Producers of Technology
According to experts, children can lose 20-50% of their school year gains in reading and math each summer. These learning losses (called the 'summer...