Jen Jackson

Jen Jackson
Originally from Ohio, Jen Jackson moved to Portland with her college roommates to attend Portland’s Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in 2003. While there, Jen met her husband Alex, and the couple spent several years cooking at notable Portland restaurants before moving to San Francisco. Both Jen and Alex worked in and ran Michelin-starred restaurants before returning to Portland to be near friends and family. Though still a professional chef, Jen currently stays at home with their preschooler and 9-month old who may be her toughest food critics, yet. She looks forward to writing again, her first love before cooking, as well as reacquainting her family to Portland and the Pacific Northwest.
spring menu picture

Spring Clean Your Weekly Meal Plan

Just before the green peas and snappy asparagus line produce stands, I like to “spring clean” my meal plan by organizing my cupboards and...

5 Ways to Enjoy a More Sustainable Summer

Sun. Heat. Swimming. Camping. Ice Cream. All words woven into our summer vocabulary.  How about adding a few more like "sustainable," "eco-friendly," "carbon-conscious?" Many summer family...
hand raised in the sun

Celebrating Juneteenth in Oregon and at Home

Though Juneteenth precedes the other mid-June holidays of Fathers' Day and the Summer Solstice (and school ending for some), explaining the meaning of Juneteenth...
Dry desert with sun behind mountains

The Clock Is Ticking: Teaching Our Children About the Climate Emergency

According to the ever-ticking Climate Clock, we currently live in a state of climate emergency. The clock reads less than 12 years until the...
Birthday Cupcakes

Happy Birthday to Me and Our VBAC-Rainbow-Pandemic-April Baby!

April marks my daughter’s first birthday, making a year since our vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Birthdays feel like the real beginning of the...
recycle numbers

Facing the Plastic Giant Head On

In the last 100 years since the invention of plastic, less than 10% of the world’s plastic has been recycled. Yikes. I read this...