
Autumn is a Pacific Northwest native, born and raised in Seattle before moving to Portland at twenty-eight. She met her husband within a week of the move, graduated from PSU the following year, and now is the proud momma of one baby boy and one medium-sized mutt who she admits, is much more popular on Instagram than she is. Autumn has been an outdoors enthusiast her entire life, thanks to adventurous parents. She summited her first peak at age eight and hasn’t looked back. A firm believer in getting kids into nature, she is looking forward to including her little one on future wilderness forays. Autumn’s husband is the chef at Portland’s well-loved Laurelhurst Market. A great dad who loves to cook at home, she clearly won the partner lottery as she can barely boil water without catastrophe. Autumn’s hobbies include hiking, camping, blogging, and battling her Instagram addiction.
Kid in red sweatshirt jumping in a puddle on the sidewalk

Get to Know Your Neighborhood! A Scavenger Hunt for Pacific Northwest Kids

Getting outside can be hard, and trying to figure out where and how can be even harder. Don’t despair parents! There is hope for...
Baby with muddy socks sitting in autumn leaves

Five Firsts for an Autumn Baby in Portland

There’s something about Portland autumns: the crispness in the air on a brisk morning, the golden tinge to the sunlight, the colors sweeping over...
Baby in grass camping

Five Tips for Camping with a Baby

We took our baby camping. I’m here to tell you that it is not only possible, it’s awesome! Camping with a baby requires some...

Outdoor Anticipation vs. Outdoor Actuality with a Toddler

I had a lot of grand ideas about what I planned to do with my kid once he could walk. The outdoor actuality with...
failure to survive

Failure to Thrive in Motherhood

I did not set out to fail. I set out to be a no-nonsense, strong mama bear who would stand for her children and...

The Comparison Conundrum

We know not to compare. We know that every baby is different. Given a long enough timeline, nearly every baby will talk and walk...

Creating New Traditions

The holidays are a time to gather with family and sink into the familiar traditions that you remember as a child. The evolution of...
northeast portland

Choosing a Portland City Neighborhood: A Mom’s Guide to Northeast Portland

Northeast Portland is a wonderful place to live. Diverse and ever changing, this neighborhood is a hotbed of new restaurants, bars, community events, and...
first birthday parties

The Trepidation of Turning One

It only happens once in a child’s life. The great first birthday. There’s something about ‘one’ that gets us parents in a fervor. Turning...
get outside

A Mom and a Baby Get Outside: Tryon Creek

I spend a great deal of my time telling other people that taking their kids outside is not only a good idea, it’s a...