
Amber is wife to her elementary school crush and mother to three kiddos, ages 10, 7, and 4. Having recently moved to Portland from California, Amber is embracing her “new normal” as she navigates parks in the rain (bring a towel), the line outside Pip’s Donuts (it’s worth it), and where to find good Mexican food (still searching). As bio mom to her two oldest and adoptive mom to her youngest, special needs child, Amber understands and appreciates the importance of “mommy-time." Amber is also a grad student and soon-to-be Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapist. She shares the highlights and gems of what she's learning on her Instagram: @learnandliveproject.

Thanks to Motherhood, I’m Now Insane

According to Albert Einstein, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Based on this definition...

Santa Was a Homeless Man on the Max

We didn't see Santa at the mall this year. He wasn't ringing a bell outside of Macy's or riding on a float in the...

Talking to Your Kids About Others with Physical Differences

My youngest son, Oliver, was born without his right hand. We adopted him from China when he was ten months old, so he is...

Ain’t No Party Like A Costco Party

It's official: Portland loves Costco.  Last Friday's Costco Mom Hour did not disappoint. With four participating stores across the metro area, we estimate that almost...

Costco Mom Hour: How to Host Holidays Without Killing Your Food Budget

This post is sponsored by Costco. Since we think Costco is pretty awesome, we’re thrilled to partner with them! Not a Costco member? Get...

6 Tips for Effectively Communicating Concerns to Your Child’s Teacher

Like most people, I don't enjoy confrontation. So when my son came home from school with an issue that I felt I needed to address directly...

6 Things Moms Should Know Before Moving to Portland

I’ve been an Oregonian for seven months now. As a born-and-raised California girl, moving to Portland has been, well, an adjustment.  We are loving...

Stranger Danger: Keeping Kids Safe Without Filling Them With Fear

“Mom, I’m gonna have to call you back. Jane just spanked some guy on the playground.” I couldn’t hang up fast enough. I had...