The Joy of Living Within Your Means
Have you ever performed that agonizing, but totally necessary task of auditing your personal finances? I don't mean just the big ticket items and...
The Secret of a Good Day
I've learned many things about parenting and relationships since becoming a mother six years ago. I've also learned a good deal about myself; my...
Can We Afford to Homeschool our Kids? Can We Afford not to?!
When I say the word homeschool, what image does it conjure up for you? For me it’s a picture of smiling kids sitting around...
How Slow Living Changes Your Motherhood Experience
Slow living. Is that actually a thing? Because does anything about life and being a mom feel 'slow?!'
From the early morning school hustle, gobbling...
Raising Worldly Kids vs. Sheltering Them From Reality: A Parents Dilemma
Laying out the card on the kitchen table and preparing to make our March for Our Lives banners, I paused. For weeks I had...
Digging a Vegetable Garden Will Make You a Rock Star Mom
There is something powerful about soil-covered toes and dirty finger nails. They say these feet and hands are one with nature. Spring is looming. You...
How to be a Good Wife, Even After Having Kids
I can promise that I will love him everyday, though that love might not look like hugs and kisses and thoughtful gifts. I can...
12 Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Go Green this Christmas
Mothering during a 'quiet' time of the year can be all-consuming, exhausting, and a challenge of endurance and ingenuity. Then, as the festive period...
The Benefits of a Frugal Lifestyle For Kids
My mum recently confided in me that she still suffers guilt from my brother and my very 'humble' childhood. My parents couldn't really afford...