Mel Tolan

Mel Tolan
Melania can be found wearing comfy yoga pants in her modest kitchen stirring a boiling pot of organic pasta, feeding little Boo Creature fresh veggies, balancing a phone between her shoulder and cheek, all the while petting one of her feline beasts with a foot. She has been known to dance to an Irish jig.
couple stares out toward the ocean at sunset

7 Simple Yet Powerful Ways to Connect with Your Partner

Remember the person you fell in love with? Remember those butterflies and tingles? The sparks? The kisses? The date nights? The exquisite intimacy (and...

5 Online Delivery Services for Busy Moms

Don't have time to shop? To busy to shop? I feel ya. Plus I don't like to shop. Holiday rush at the mall? No...
breast cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 8 Simple Ways to Help a Mama Battling Cancer

It's 5:00 a.m. and I'm reviewing a cancer case for my job. I can't help the tears that fill my eyes. She's a mom...

Why Grandparents Are Special

At the end of August my daughter and I spent a week in Southern California at my grandparent's place. It was one of the...
student mom

Diary of a Working/Student Mom: How I Survived My Bachelor’s Degree

Last summer while on vacation I turned to my husband and announced, "I’m thinking of going back to school and applying for the bachelor's...

Mommy Stress Buster: 9 Ways to Get Better Sleep

If I had a dollar for every meme or joke on social media regarding sleep deprivation and motherhood, I could retire and move permanently...

Mommy Stress Buster: My 15-minute Yoga Solution

I love yoga. I really do. I love going to classes. I love doing videos at home. I love reading The Yoga Journal. Yoga...
five minute stress relief mediation exercises

Mommy Stress Buster: How Five Minutes Saves Me From Crazy

Today is a hard day. I've gotten very little sleep. My wrists hurt from typing all day long. Nerves in my hips are causing...
postpartum pelvic physical therapy

My Postpartum Lifesaver ‘Down There’

I’ve mentioned pelvic physical therapy in previous posts, and I thought I’d expand on the topic as many people have never heard of it...
Kids and messiness quote

Why I Don’t Care If My Daughter Is Filthy

I never realized how much of a clean freak I was until I had my daughter. To clarify, I’m not talking about my house...