Katie L
A Letter to My Wildest Little One
To my wildest little one, in honor and celebration of all the magical things as you turn four. Four! It seems so small, so...
Gifts That Keep On Giving: 15 Gifts for Kids
I have to start by saying, I LOVE giving gifts. I am notorious for giving belated birthday gifts in my family because I am...
20 Things They Forgot to Mention
My younger sister is having her first baby in October, and it has been so much fun preparing to welcome a new little one...
DIY Delivered to Your Door: A Round-up of Local Kits for Kids
There is something going on in my house that I can't quite explain. The first week or two of the stay-at-home order I gave...
Day Tripping Down I-5
I was at our local library and my daughter decided that she wanted to sign up to get her own library card. My knee-jerk...
What’s on the Bookshelf: Family Edition
I grew up with my nose in a book. I was never without a book and reading was a lifeline for me through some...
Where Does Your Courage Show Up?
I recently had the chance to attend a thought-provoking, community-building workshop with The Goodness Collaborative. Part of the workshop was a panel of local...
Where Do I Put All of This?! A PDX Guide to Holiday Recycling
Every year after the holidays I am overcome with this intense urge to purge and donate all of our belongings. There’s nothing like reading...
Keeping in Touch Across the Miles
One of the interesting things that I have discovered since moving to Portland is that so many of the other parents I meet while...
10 Tips to Practice Back Safety This Backpack Awareness Day
How can it already be nearly two weeks into the new school year?! Didn’t school just get out for summer? Wasn’t it just July...