Joanna Close
(Portland) Kids Say the Darndest Things
We all know kids, especially young ones, say the funniest things; from brutal honesty about our appearances, to off-the-wall ideas, to insightful observations, and high-level...
What Parents Grieving the Loss of a Child Need from You
I don't typically pay mind to the myriad special awareness days, weeks, and months that exist, but they are great opportunities to advocate for...
Just What is a ‘Good Mom’ Anyway?
I find it a paradox of praise when people called me a 'good mom' for what they have seen of me on social media....
Travel Without Kids: Creative Ways to Manage Separation
If your family is anything like mine, you've had some memorable experiences with separation anxiety; daycare drop-off, date night, or a girls-only getaway. Goodbyes...
When You’re a Motherless Mother on Mother’s Day
Mother's Day can be a source of joy for many, sadness for some, and a melting pot of mixed emotions for others. As a...
Raising an Only Child and What to Say When People Have an Opinion
Despite the growing proportion of families opting for one child, and all the research dispelling old myths about social skills, loneliness, and over-parenting, the...
Secondary Infertility and What to Say When You’re Trying to Conceive
The Internet is full of "expert" advice about how to sensitively talk, or not talk to your friends and loved ones about reproductive health, family size,...
Becoming a Frozen Family: Learning to Love Disney Princesses
We recently acquired two new members of the household. They are sisters who wake me every morning with their Broadway vocals, doff their dresses...