Goodbye Summer Nights
Summer nights in our home have had a drastic impact on bedtimes. The sun stays up later and so do we, and I’ve loved...
Write It Down: Name Your Goals and Dreams
The third row down on my bookshelf is full of a collection of old journals in many different shapes and sizes. I’ve been writing...
TEAM: Partnership in Parenting
It’s said marriage is like holding a mirror up to your life. Relationship with a spouse has a way of revealing things we may...
Mothers of Toddlers, This One is For You…
It took exchanging more text messages than usual to find a window of time to connect for our monthly phone chat. Juggling schedules and...
Becoming Brave: Modeling Courage for Our Kids
It is not uncommon for one of my kids to ask me to define a word for them. It happens daily. Their vocabulary is...
Hospitality Is Food for the Soul
Hunger is constant. It can be satiated, but without fail, in a few short hours our stomachs growl again telling us it is time...
Quitting the Hustle: Finding Success in Lowered Expectations
I am a verbal processor. Recently, I was in the car “processing” this post with my husband, searching for the right word to convey...
Fight to Be First: Tackling Difficult Conversations With Your Kids
I’m constantly breaking up arguments between my kids about who can be first. Whether they are running to the van to see who gets...
Providing Security in the Midst of Change
The tears most readily appear at bedtime. The nighttime routine of tickling backs and saying our prayers often opens up a safe place to...
Releasing Control: Fostering Independence in our Kids
I vividly remember the conversation. My friend and I were standing in my kitchen, joking about how tempted we were make our six-year-old daughters...