You Can Do it, Mama! Five Tips for Surviving Going Back to Work
With the summer in full-swing, I am finding time to reflect on the crazy year we just survived. Last fall I went back to...
Working Mom: The Struggle to Find Balance and Remain Calm Is Real
Ah, the day is done, the kids are in bed, and I've poured myself a well-deserved glass of sweet, velvety, red wine. Just as...
Can Cold and Flu Season be Over Now? A Working Mom’s Plea
This past cold and flu season has been hellacious in our house. I'm being hyperbolic, of course. Things could have been much worse. and...
Finding My Tribe with Baby Bootcamp: How I Got Mom Strong
When I gave birth to my son over two years ago, to say that I was out of shape would be an understatement. My...
New Moms Need Help But Not In The Way You May Think
The most common piece of advice I received while pregnant with my son was, "ask for help once he's born. You can’t do it...
Turkey Sandwiches: A Toddler Explanation of Daddy’s Job
My son is two-years-old. He just started to understand there are other people besides himself in the world. Sort of. This has made him...