Portland Transplants vs. Natives: 10 “Portlandisms” Exposed
According to the U.S. Census Bureau only about 40% of Portland’s population was born in Oregon, making it the highest transplant city on the...
Mad Mama: Taming Adult Temper Tantrums
They say it’s those we love the most who are also the ones we hurt. I have found this to be excruciatingly true as...
New Year, New…Meh: The Anti-Resolution
Let’s just put it out there right now…This year I am NOT going to lose weight, work out more, eat less sugar, spend fewer...
When Birthdays and Holidays Collide
I love the fall, and I love the holiday season, but what the hell were my husband and I thinking having not one, but...
Is Thanking a Veteran Enough? What Vets Want Kids to Know on Veterans Day
Our generation is really great about honoring those who served; Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and 9/11 are filled with parades, ceremonies and...
Let Them Eat (pan)CAKE: 10 Simple Ways to Bring Joy to Your Kids (and...
You know those parents who just gush over their kid's every moment of every day? They have infinite patience, unending smiles, and all the...
Just Say No: When You’ve Got Too Much on Your Plate
School starts this week. I have a second grader and a full-day kindergartener in two different schools with one homeschooled preschooler still at home.
The Beer-Drinking Mom’s Guide to Portland Brew: Craft Beer Taphouses and Pubs
There are nearly 3,500 craft breweries in the U.S., and here in Oregon, you’ll find approximately 194 in 72 cities. The Portland area alone...
When It’s Okay to Let Go: How Motherhood Changes Our Girlfriendships
You know those friendships, the ones you had before the kids came along, that just don't seem to work anymore? Maybe they’re not parents...
Breaking the Summer Slump: What To Do Around Portland When You’ve Already Done EVERYTHING
It’s only July and we’ve already hit it…the Summer Slump. You parents of school-age kids might know what I mean. It’s the time when...