Six Back to School Tips
It is that time of the year again: back to school! How many of us are ready for the routine to begin again? The...
PMB Book Club: Kid-Friendly Books
Are you tired of reading the same children's books to your kids? Those books that rhyme? Tell the same story? Are mass-produced and mass-marketed?...
A Memorial Day Birthday
It was 2003, and I did not know any better.
I had an occasion to celebrate, so I drafted a letter.
I wrote it, and bound...
The Environment and Me: An Earth Day Story of Sustainability and Survival
I never thought of myself as an advocate for the environment. As a matter of fact, I do not think I ever actually cared...
Essential Oils 101 for Moms
Essential oils are all the rage right now. You see them almost everywhere: the superstore, drugstore, natural store, homestead store, and even the online...
Living in Less: How a Family of SIX Shares a ONE Bathroom Home
How does our family of four adults and two children share a one bathroom house in Sellwood? With difficulty! That is how. But also...