Mel Tolan

Mel Tolan
Melania can be found wearing comfy yoga pants in her modest kitchen stirring a boiling pot of organic pasta, feeding little Boo Creature fresh veggies, balancing a phone between her shoulder and cheek, all the while petting one of her feline beasts with a foot. She has been known to dance to an Irish jig.

Wondersitter Magic {Review + Giveaway}

{This post is sponsored by Wondersitter. I received a free babysitting session in exchange for this post. However, all opinions are my own.} A few weeks...

Filling the Mama Well

As a working at home mom, I quickly discovered how fast my well can deplete when I’m trying to be mommy, cancer registrar, writer,...

When She Said “I Love You”

When I look back at the first year of my daughter’s life, I see only one big dark blur of chaos, baby puke, diaper...

SAHM or SAHD? Finding what works for our family

If you're already a parent, you've already discovered that parenting is a series of lessons in fantasy versus reality. For instance... The Fantasy: As my belly...

Six Ways to Ease Into Work After Maternity Leave

Returning to work after maternity leave never is easy. Your little one is still so small and needs so much of your attention, but...

Birth Control Nightmare: My IUD Story

"What kind of birth control are you looking at?" My midwife asked me at the four-week postpartum appointment. I'd been seeing her weekly since...

The Power of Sunshine: How Five Minutes Turned My Day Around

1:35 p.m. Wednesday That’s what the clock on my remote desktop screen said. I lowered my head to the desk and sighed. I still had...

My Favorite Baby-Friendly Portland Hangouts

Weather in Portland has been unusually sunny this winter and spring, but "normal" is a lot of rain for about five months of the...

5 Things I Wish I’d Done While Pregnant

They say hindsight is 20/20. They are right. In the last two years, many of my friends who were going through their first pregnancy...

Five Vegetarian Protein Sources My Family Loves

“What do you eat?” It's probably the most commonly asked question that follows once someone discovers I’m vegetarian. Mason jars filled with sprouts, trays...