
Amber is wife to her elementary school crush and mother to three kiddos, ages 10, 7, and 4. Having recently moved to Portland from California, Amber is embracing her “new normal” as she navigates parks in the rain (bring a towel), the line outside Pip’s Donuts (it’s worth it), and where to find good Mexican food (still searching). As bio mom to her two oldest and adoptive mom to her youngest, special needs child, Amber understands and appreciates the importance of “mommy-time." Amber is also a grad student and soon-to-be Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapist. She shares the highlights and gems of what she's learning on her Instagram: @learnandliveproject.
mom friends

I Thought I’d Have More Mom Friends By Now

We’ve lived in Portland for two years, and to be painfully honest, I thought I’d have a more mom friends by now. I’ve definitely...

The Gift of an Invitation this Holiday Season

Portland is a city filled with transplants. So many of us have moved to the PNW from other states and countries, making this corner...
southwest portland

Choosing a Portland Neighborhood: A Moms’ Guide to the Southwest

When my husband and I made the decision to move our family to the PNW, specifically to the Portland metro area, we had a...
DId you use soap

“Did You Use Soap?” and Other Crazy Things I Say As a Parent

Parenting brings with it an entirely new way of using the English language. It doesn't matter how well educated you are or how extensive...
gut health

Anxiety and Gut Health: A Non-Crunchy Mom’s Tale {Sponsored Post}

Before you read my story, you should know two things: 1. I am not a medical professional, and 2. I am sharing my gut...
master's degree

It’s My Turn: Mom’s Going Back to School

It's official. I've decided to go back to school for my Master's Degree. This will either be the best or worst idea I've ever...
first mom on mothers day

A Letter to My Son’s First Mom on Mother’s Day

Dear First Mom, You’ve been on my mind a lot these past few weeks. With our adopted son, Oliver’s birthday at the end of April,...

The Day I Made Myself a Chore Chart and Ate Humble Pie

Personal responsibility was on the decline with my kids and I wasn't sure why. Shoes were being left in the hallway, toothpaste clumps stayed...
Coffee shops

4 Reasons to Love Portland Coffee Shops

A few weeks ago, my husband and I made a deal. We decided that we needed to step up our self-care game. He joined...
single mom

A Love Letter to My Single Mom Friends

Dear Single Mom Friends, I don’t know what this Valentine’s Day will look like for you but I wanted to make sure that amidst the...