Recap: Portland Children’s Dentistry Playdate at Portland Aquarium


Local moms and kids (and a few dads, too) enjoyed a fun animal adventure at our summer playdate event this week! The  Portland Children’s Dentistry Playdate at Portland Aquarium included something for kids of all ages. The morning was both educational and wildly fun, plus our host and sponsor included several great giveaways for attendees!

Our aquarium hosts started by introducing us to iguanas, snakes and more during a reptile show. Kids were even able to gently touch these exotic animals.

Playdate - Reptile Show

Everyone was welcomed by our gracious sponsors at Portland Children’s Dentistry. Dr. Patty and the tooth fairy were a hit! They had goodie bags for everyone and gave away a free Sonicare toothbrush to one lucky attendee!

Playdate - Portland Children's Dentistry-2

Next up was the aquarium tour where we saw hundreds of different sea creatures during our guided tour.

Playdate - Aquarium

Before we headed home, children made colorful stars to be hung in the lorikeet aviary. The birds go gaga over these new play things!

Playdate - activity

Last but not least, the aquarium awarded one lucky visitor with a one year family membership and provided another with a free birthday party!

A huge thank you to the Portland Aquarium and Portland Children’s Dentistry for providing a fabulous family event!



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