While dementia commonly occurs to most of the elderly, increasingly more individuals are starting to develop dementia in their 40s and 50s. Yes, you read it right, it can occur that early! And as moms, it is important for us to maintain not just a healthy body but a sharp and active mind.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of dementia. The dementia prevention tips below can be extremely helpful for our cognitive longevity.
Keep an eye on your weight and heart health.
There is a strong connection between heart and mind health. High blood pressure and obesity, especially at some point of mid-life, heightens the chance of dementia. To avoid any of these health issues, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Participate in mentally stimulating activities.
While we are on our 30s, 40s, or even 50s, it is essential to use some of our time and energy on mind-stimulating activities such as learning a new language or skill, reading books, problem-solving games and the likes. These prevent cognitive deterioration and increase our defense against dementia.
Maintain social contact.
Simply visiting friends and relatives to do small talks (maybe not in person right now, but even just over the phone has benefits!) on a regular basis has been linked to lower risk of dementia, while loneliness may increase it. Moreover, getting involved in group/community activities can contribute to cognitive training.
Reduce stress.
Relax and have fun daily. No matter how busy we are as moms, we should make time to do leisure activities. Meditation also helps to nourish the mind. An old and simple trick for dementia prevention is finding more reasons to be happy and laugh more each day.
Sleep well.
Research suggests that poor sleep isn’t just a symptom of dementia, but a possible risk factor. A good way to create a sound sleep is establishing a regular sleep schedule. It is a fact that poor, disrupted sleep promotes buildup of a certain protein in the brain that can lead to impaired memory and dementia. So, take time to prioritize sleep, before it’s too late!
Food for thought:
Although we can’t change our age, there are always several lifestyle changes we can make that will reduce our dementia risk. It’s not that hard to modify some habits, most especially if we know the importance of cognitive health. And if all else fails, there are always residential care community which offers Memory Care Endorsement. Make sure to research all the details as it is important that you find a trusted, affordable and home-like facility to make things easier.
The truth is, no one is exempted, anyone may be at risk. Start today and don’t let those precious memories fade away.