Welcome to midsummer! We’re about halfway through this three-month stint as a cruise directors and short order cooks! You survived family vacations and lived to tell about it. By now you’re not only NOT practicing self-care, but you’re probably not even thinking that far ahead. Your only goal besides keeping the children safe, fed, and alive is your own summer SURVIVAL.
Here are five summer survival reminders to keep in mind until school resumes. Well, and maybe even after school resumes.
1. This is temporary.
Some day you’re going to wish for the pitter-patter of little feet and a kick in the face as they climb into bed with you before the sun is up. Okay, maybe not the kick in the face, but these days of childhood are numbered. So embrace the chaos, knowing a day will come when these seemingly annoying times will be “the good ole days.”
2. Caffeine is your friend.
They say the human body is 60% water. I think mine is 75% coffee and 25% dry shampoo. Dutch. Starbucks. Human Bean. Black Rock. Go and do what you must to keep yourself caffeinated for summer survival. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
3. Phone a friend.
Invite someone over. The two of you can let the children run a three ring circus in the backyard while you sip your iced tea and try to carry on a conversation. Misery loves company! Okay, okay, you know I’m kidding! But seriously, rally your mom squad and get those play dates penciled in. Book time with people who fill your tank, not drain it.
4. Run errands in the evening.
Or whenever your spouse is home and/or when you don’t have the kids. This will turn your mundane tasks into much needed summer survival solo time to reset and recalibrate. AND you’ll also be doing something productive so you don’t get bit by the mom guilt bug. WIN!
5. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Repeat after me: ‘We are doing a great job as mothers.’ You’re making memories. You’re chauffeuring to swim lessons. You’re trying to reduce screen time. You bought Costco-size quantities of snacks! At the end of the day, those little crumb-snatchers of yours are loved and adored by you. And they’re pretty sweet, too. You’ve got this.