I wish I had known certain things before giving birth to my daughter about what the first postpartum weeks and months would look like. As they happened, I wondered why no one told me about them. I have friends...

The Midwives by My Side

It just so happened that I attended Birthingway College’s “So You Want To Be A Midwife” event a few weeks prior to getting those two life-changing pink lines. Although it hadn’t been on my mind at the event, there...
I don’t celebrate my birth story the way I’m supposed to.  In fact, I don’t even remember it. I grew up knowing the power of birth to change a woman. I listened eagerly to the stories told by my...
Most who know me see me as a planner and someone who is extremely detailed oriented in most areas of my life; however, I never really had a birth plan. My “plan” was simply to go to the hospital and...
As a mama who has delivered four healthy babies under very different circumstances, I have come to appreciate the diversity of each woman’s unique pregnancies, labors and deliveries. I am also very thankful to have had the opportunity to...
  I have two daughters, so have two stories, but they are so integrally related and my first story defines my second and my second defines my first so importantly that they have become one story. Annabel Wren was born June...
{This post is sponsored by Canyon Medical Center. I received a free child wellness visit for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.} When I was pregnant I told my husband I wanted a birth center. I'm terrified...

A Mother Never Forgets

The sun still rose. It was one of those days when it felt like an accomplishment to even wake up. September 11, 2001 had finally come. I thought maybe my mourning would finally be complete. I turned on the television...
October is a month is set aside to bring awareness to the roughly  25% of pregnancies that do not reach full-term. Specifically, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  We feel the loss of our babies, whether...
Dear pregnant me in 2005, First, I need you to walk to your closet and find the pink striped maternity shirt. Take it out of the closet, walk straight to the garbage can, and just toss it in. It’s not...

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Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...