April is Cesarean Awareness Month, which gives me the opportunity to reflect back on my Cesarean birth and what I needed after. I don’t claim to speak for every mom who has given birth by C-section, but there are six...
Surrogacy is becoming more and more common, but it is often misunderstood. Did you know that Oregon is one of the most surrogacy-friendly states in the country, while it is still illegal in Washington state? The surrogacy landscape is...
I’m a midwife and mummy of three. I’ve delivered hundreds of babies in different countries and cultures around the world, from Africa to Australia. Birth is both my profession and passion, therefore making the right choice for my own...
On August 2nd, 2016 I achieved the unimaginable. I had such a low probability of success that my decision to attempt a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) sounded pretty crazy. But something stubborn, calm, and unwavering inside of me...
My son Tabor has been an only child for seven years. To be honest, he’s got a pretty sweet gig going; undivided attention from not just two, but FOUR parents (his dad and I both are remarried). Ever since...
I didn’t create a Facebook account until my daughter was six months old, so my options for telling the world that she was coming were relatively few. Seven years later, the ways to spread the new baby news seem limitless....
As a pregnant mom, being asked what I'm having is a question I hear daily. Second only to “wow, when are you due?” because I’m carrying twins and let’s just say I don’t exactly carry small. These seemingly innocuous...
For a while now, I’ve been having the nagging feeling that our family is not quite complete. This feeling is not about my “only” child; trust me, there’s no “only” about her. It’s not that I don’t feel like...
You've waited nine months for this moment. Your baby is born and you get to see him or her for the very first time. You want this moment to be as special and beneficial as possible for you and...
I am not a runner. I have never been a runner. In fact, using the word “run” to describe my physical action is doing a major disservice to actual runners. The truth is I shuffled a marathon.
In school I...