Watching relationships ebb and flow in life is an interesting thing. Some friend and family relationships seem as natural as breathing, and then there are those you have to work a bit harder to maintain. But regardless, relationships come and...
I squeezed both my kids tight, kissed them, and told them multiple times how much I loved them. They excitedly got in the car and they were off I always manage to hold it together until they pull away...
Recently, a friend contacted me when an exchange student (scheduled to arrive in one week) suddenly had no Oregon host family. The student’s photo attached to the email smiled back at me, and after seeing him I couldn’t stop thinking...
I don't typically pay mind to the myriad special awareness days, weeks, and months that exist, but they are great opportunities to advocate for social issues or illnesses, and certainly make for a good time to share relevant and...
Some of us are easy to shop for. Slap some paint on a tiny hand, smoosh it against a piece of paper, and voila! Homemade art gift just for mama! (My fridge totally looks like a preschool art gallery.) And...
Judging other moms wasn't on my list of to-dos when I set out on my path to motherhood, but it definitely happened. When my daughter was first born, incredible amounts of panic accompanied the abundant joy I experienced. Was my...
I’m gonna be honest. There are moments of each and every day when I do not feel like I’m good enough. The voices I allow in my head tell me that I will never be, have or do what...
It can be an overwhelming task preparing to bring a little love into the world. With all the pre-birth parental decisions about cloth vs. disposable, crib vs. co-sleeping, and daycare waitlists, it never fully occurred to me what a...
A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a mom I had just met at a basketball game, when my preschooler ran up, chomping away on something I had not given him. “Mom!  I found gum!  I pulled it off...
I can't say when the Sanctimommy Movement started precisely, but it probably had a finger in the pie of parenting since the dawn of time. It's understandable how it came to be with the age of the internet and...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Right Bike Gear for Your Child: A Guide for...

Do you remember learning to ride a bike? I remember the exhilaration and freedom, riding around on my hand-me-down bright yellow banana-seat Schwinn (think...