Hunger is constant. It can be satiated, but without fail, in a few short hours our stomachs growl again telling us it is time to eat. Just as our stomach is hungry for food, our souls are hungry for...
The most common piece of advice I received while pregnant with my son was, "ask for help once he's born. You can’t do it all when you are a new mom!" And they were right. New moms need help...
We’ve lived in Portland for two years, and to be painfully honest, I thought I’d have a more mom friends by now. I’ve definitely met a lot of people, but I can count on one hand the number of...
My son is two-years-old. He just started to understand there are other people besides himself in the world. Sort of. This has made him become fascinated by where daddy goes every day. During the week, my husband gets up...
Every-other Friday while my daughter was in preschool I had coffee dates with a friend whose five-year-old son had gone to heaven just two weeks after Mother's Day that year. Over coffee and hot chocolate, my friend would share stories...
It was the end of January and my twins were six weeks old. Although it took most of the morning to get the three of us dressed and fed, we finally made our way out the door. I was...
Things feel a little unsettled these days. You know what will help? Community. I encourage you to make one. Yep, do it. You can. I believe in you. You know why? Because I did it. It doesn't take money. It...
Dear Single Mom Friends, I don’t know what this Valentine’s Day will look like for you but I wanted to make sure that amidst the noise of prepping for classroom parties and mailing grandparent cards, you heard the truth from...

Community Matters

I'm tired of "Stranger Danger." We are raising a bunch of little people that are scared. Scared of all the people they don't know. I'm not doing it! Yes, I know *gasp* I am calling into question the notion of...
My throat tightened and tears sprang to my eyes. My husband squeezed my hand. I fought hard to breathe as the world started spinning. There was no heartbeat and the inescapable reality hit me hard. I was having a...

Recommended Reading

Choosing the Right Bike Gear for Your Child: A Guide for...

Do you remember learning to ride a bike? I remember the exhilaration and freedom, riding around on my hand-me-down bright yellow banana-seat Schwinn (think...