Where do you find the best deals on *insert basically any kid-related item here*? Sports equipment, baby clothes, shoes, Halloween costumes, maternity jeans, you name it - these questions seem to continually pop up in the local mom group...
The kids are back in school and summer weather is no more. But there’s no need to fret. Soon enough apple cider, hayrides, bonfires, and the copious use of cinnamon will signal the glorious arrival of fall. As the air...
September's arrival means several things for Portland-area families: the kids are heading back to school, temperatures are about to get cooler, and it's officially the beginning of apple picking season. And we highly recommend visiting a u-pick apple orchard (or...
Ok, so June was... weird. Not always the most awesome. We may be living in a social apocalypse, but on top of that it rained all month and then blasted us with a heat wave. Seriously, July. We're counting...
We celebrated moms meeting their kids for Mother's Day, and now it's time for the dads! I can't speak on behalf of dads because, well, I'm not one. But, I have watched a number of the men in my life...
June! Arguably one of the best months of the year! School's out, the weather has settled into a breezy summer, and Portland comes alive. Here are some of our favorites in and around the City of Roses, all with...
Mother's Day is sometimes a mixed bag. Some love the holiday, others would rather skip it altogether. Whatever your stance, we hope you have the best Mother's Day possible. If you're a mom, here's a few local ideas to...
We're in the home stretch! Yes, there are likely more rainy days ahead, but we can also see hints of spring. What better way to celebrate the incoming season than by getting out and enjoying March in Portland? Know of...
winter holiday

The Winter Shift

I’ve felt a shift this season, one that’s been desperately needed for a long time. I don’t know whether it’s the upheaval of the pandemic, Glennon Doyle’s podcast, or maybe I’m finally old enough to listen to my intuition,...
There is nothing quite like holiday stress. Between the packed calendars, strained budgets, and family dynamic dances, it’s a good thing December only comes once a year. Here are a few tips for making it through the holidays these next...

Recommended Reading

Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, sad, or otherwise out of sorts each winter, it’s possible you’re dealing with seasonal depression or Seasonal...