The days are long but the years are short. Early childhood is the longest shortest time. Yada, yada, yada. Why is parenting such a perplexing conundrum? I call it the cha cha because it so often feels like for...
Potty training mamas... Can you relate?
1. You're late to an appointment or to pick up your older kids since your potty-trainer got on and off the toilet 10 times because she couldn't figure out if she had to poop or...
I never realized how much of a clean freak I was until I had my daughter. To clarify, I’m not talking about my house (let’s not go there). No, I’m talking about the body cleanliness of my daughter. The...
This post is sponsored by our friends at Portland Children's Dentistry.
We first met Dr. Patty and some of her team at our summer playdate and were truly impressed; so when the topic of healthy teeth came up, we knew it...
There is quiet in my house in this moment. Well, the dishwasher is running and the white noise in the baby’s room is on to keep her from hearing her big brother. However, there is a peace that only happens...
When I look back at the first year of my daughter’s life, I see only one big dark blur of chaos, baby puke, diaper blowouts, endless sleepless nights, teething (prime reason for the endless sleepless nights), tears (both my...
People asked me if I’d come back after maternity leave. I laughed and explained to them that five weeks after my due date is our intern farewell event. Given that I had personally recruited, interviewed and helped hand pick...