postpartum haze

My Postpartum Haze

As I feel the ache between my legs and on my chest, I am overwhelmed by a sense of lower back pain that tends to start in the middle of the day. Climbing the stairs seems harder than I...
You know that prenatal yoga class and meditation you keep meaning to do? It might help you and your baby after birth. The birth of your baby is a very special time! It can also be one marked by...
Breastfeeding is WORK. It takes time and energy (and often a few tears). Anyone who thinks it’s easy either hasn’t tried it or has been exceptionally fortunate. While we can all agree that fed is best (my first two...
Coming up with a short (or long) list of potential baby names is either super fun or super stressful - there is no in-between. Personally, I’m a sucker for sentimentality and a good story. Portland-area expanding families are in...
After our daughter Everly was born, we were obsessed with the Wonder Weeks app. It was awesome. It helped us track when she may be in a developmental milestone, what she was learning and how that might show up in her...
People asked me if I’d come back after maternity leave. I laughed and explained to them that five weeks after my due date is our intern farewell event. Given that I had personally recruited, interviewed and helped hand pick...
  I've been tired lately. So very very tired. I guess we all are. It's sort of a badge of honor when you become a mom. Your work triples, your sleep gets cut in half and your temper and patience is...
We have "that" dog. You know the one that is super naughty most of the time. The dog that isn't your best friend, but rather is always trying to figure a way to get the most out of every situation. You know the...
I had a lot of grand ideas about what I planned to do with my kid once he could walk. The outdoor actuality with a toddler was not yet realized, the anticipation was still fully intact. The great outdoors...
It took exchanging more text messages than usual to find a window of time to connect for our monthly phone chat. Juggling schedules and kids is always a bit of a dance, but the back and forth of this...

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Hygge As An Antidote to Seasonal Depression

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